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3 Hidden Reasons Behind the Frustration

1. Concealed Supplies — Pharmacies don't display real-time supply information to patients or doctors.
2. No Transfers — when the medicine is out of stock, the patient must ask their doctor to send a new prescription to a Different Pharmacy.
3. Insurance Obstacles — Insurance Companies simply don't Prioritize the Patient. Prior Authorizations and Hidden Obstacles are designed to delay your care.
Don't worry, WESTLAKE PSYCHIATRY has your back.

Request Refills Early and mention to your provider how many pills you have remaining.
Learn your Pharmacist’s Name and let them learn yours. A familiar relationship can help your needs to be prioritized and remembered.
Be Proactive — ask about creative alternatives (chewable versions of the same medication or asking for a combination of dose strengths that fit your prescription)
Get the Right Team — WESTLAKE PSYCHIATRY takes pride in actively assisting Patients with Filling their Prescription. Don't Believe It? Enter your Information and Our Team will Email you an Up-to-Date List of Recommended Pharmacies.
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